Powerful BRAND recall
History has shown that people want to identify with certain archetypal forces and their stories. This leaves the door wide open for marketeers to communicate long lasting stories that resonate with large groups of consumers.
When used in the modern day stories of advertising, archetypes instantly and powerfully clarify the attributes of the company or product. A successful advertising story is always built around a powerful archetype.
Take Apple that has adopted the Innovator or Creator as its archetypal identity. With Apple equipment you have the latest, most innovative and beautifully designed technology. Hallmark has adopted the identity of the Lover while McDonalds cleverly uses the identity of the Innocent.
Each archetype has a structured pattern of behaviour that is consciously and sub-consciously perceived and understood by consumers. It has clearly defined symbolic attributes that have to be understood and consistently communicated to achieve strong staying power.
The Archetypal Profiling technique is highly useful to clearly identify, create and position “the personality and character traits” of a company, a brand or a person. Once the identity is established and understood, congruent marketing action and communication can be created.